• Demo Day Dickinson

  •   2025 Dickinson Demo Day: May 13th

  • High School students (age 16 and up) are invited to Demo Day on Thursday, May 13th at the Southwest Area CTE Academy in Dickinson, ND.

    Sign up for Demo Day, 8:00am - 2:00pm.  Submit your completed waiver to ndclc@agcnd.org to reserve your spot! Spaces are limited.

    Registration will open soon

    Students will have the opportunity to operate heavy equipment, including but not limited to: dozers, skid steers, cranes, excavators, and more! Construction leaders will also demonstrate survey equipment and other technology utilized on today’s projects. Our trainers and volunteers are eager to answer your questions about how to get into the construction industry.

    In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be contacted on May 12. Attendees are required to wear close toed shoes, preferably steel toe. Please wear appropriate outer attire for instances when you will be standing outside for long periods of time. Coats, hats, and gloves are recommended. Snacks and beverages will be available. There will NOT be a lunch served.

    Follow the North Dakota Construction Leadership Council on Facebook for more updates!

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