Asbestos Safety (3 Hrs)
Benzene Awareness (1 Hr)
Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness (1 Hr)
Caught In-Caught Between Hazards (1 Hr)
CDL Test Prep (6 Hrs)
CMV Regulations Update (1 Hr)
Confined Space Safety (4Hrs – Permit & Non-Permit)
Common Injuries in the Workplace (2 Hrs)
Competent Person (1 Hr)
Concrete and Masonry Safety (2 Hrs)
Defensive Driver Course (4 Hrs)
ECCS (Energy Coalition for Contractor Safety) Refresher (7 ½ Hrs)
Electrical Safety (2 Hrs)
Fall Protection/Prevention (4 Hrs)
Fire Protection & Prevention (2 Hrs)
First Aid/CPR - New & Refresher (5 Hrs)
Flag Person Operations (2 Hrs - Recommended yearly refresher)
Hazardous Communications (GHS) (1 Hr)
H2S Awareness (1 Hr)
Hand & Power Tool Safety (2 Hrs)
Handling an OSHA & MSHA Inspection (2 Hrs)
Heat Stress Management (1 Hr)
Incident Investigation/Root Cause Analysis (2 Hrs)
Job Hazard Analysis (1Hr)
Ladder/Stairway/Ramp Safety (1 Hr)
Lock Out - Tag Out (1 Hr)
Managing Safety & Health (3 Hrs)
Material Handling (2 Hrs)
Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP) (4 Hrs)
MSHA 24 Hour Part 46 Sand & Gravel (3 Days)
MSHA 8 Hour Part 46 Refresher (8 Hrs)
N.O.R.M. (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) Awareness (1 Hr)
OSHA Alliance (1 Hr)
OSHA Record Keeping (2 Hrs)
OSHA 10 Hour Construction (1 ½ Days)
OSHA 30 Hour Construction (5 Days)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (2 Hrs)
Powered Industrial Truck – Forklift & Telehandlers (6 Hrs – Certification or Re-Training)
Powered Industrial Truck - Forklift (4 Hrs – Certification or Re-Training)
Powered Industrial Truck - Telehandlers (4 Hrs – Certification or Re-Training)
Respirator Safety (1 Hr)
Safety Leadership (3 Hrs)
Scaffolding (4 Hrs)
Silica Hazards (2 Hrs)
Signs, Signals, & Barricades (1 Hr)
Spotter Use/Safety in Construction Work Zones (1 Hr)
Struck by Hazards (1 Hr)
Traffic Control Supervisor (3 days)
Traffic Control Supervisor Refresher (Suggested 6 Hrs every 3 Yrs)
Trenching & Excavating (4 Hrs)
Welding & Cutting Safety (2 Hrs)