• NDCLC Subcomittees

  • What are the subcommittees for?

    Subcommittees are the heart and soul of the NDCLC. Each group plans 1-2 events per year to advance the mission of the subcommittee while also growing engagement for the NDCLC as a whole. To chair a subcommittee, you must be a member of the Steering Committee, but membership in a subcommittee is open to any member and there is no nomination or election process required. Sub-committees will exchange emails and have 1-2 meetings per event; it typically requires less than an 8 hour commitment annually.

    Membership in a subcommittee is a great way to meet people with mutual interests and dip your toe into the leadership pool of the NDCLC. Our goal is to create spaces where individuals can work on tailoring their leadership voice, bring in fresh perspectives, and enjoy their involvement in the organization, eventually filling the pipeline acting as leaders in the steering committee or officer team.

    Member Engagement

    This group plans purely social meeting opportunities, typically involving an activity, food, and beverage, with a goal of creating a space where people can have some fun and get to know each other in a low-key environment.

    Leadership and Management

    This group has the goal of developing soft skills and technique that make individuals better leaders and managers. This involves bringing in speakers talking about topics like “managing up”, building a positive culture, and the tips and tricks for success within a family business. This group also coordinates with AGC and NDCLC member companies to coordinate 1-2 Local Leaders tours a year; the tours involve an agent of a company showing us their HQ, shop, jobsite, or anywhere they are proud of, explaining why, and concluding with a Q&A roundtable with a leader of the organization and moderated by someone on the steering committee.

    Workforce Development

    The workforce development subcommittee’s purpose is to advocate for the industry and engage with the “next-next generation” in construction. Their cornerstone event is an annual event called Demo Days, which occurs in south Fargo in late April/early May where area high school and college students are bussed to an open field with heavy construction equipment stations with different member companies showing the public how to operate the equipment and then turning over the controls to attendees.

    Additionally, this subcommittee is invited to engage in a FHWA Workforce Development committee that meets quarterly and often provides the contractors perspective. This relationship allows the NDCLC to influence potential programs for workforce development while keeping us informed of the current incentives and possibilities out there (ie operation intern).

    Community Engagement

    The NDCLC’s newest committee came to be when we started our annual charity drive, NDCLCares. The community engagement subcommittee principally coordinates with the selected charity to find ways to support the organization financially or with volunteers and then works with the Social and Networking team to plan a fundraising event. This committee also has the goal of establishing relationships with marginalized or under-represented communities not typically engaged in construction with a goal of achieving a more diverse and inclusive industry where everyone feels they belong.

    Strategic Planning Retreat

    Each year in February all general NDCLC members are invited to help plan the upcoming year at a 2 day retreat. It includes a general assembly discussion, subcommittee breakouts, and social activities. Attendees walk away with new friends and a tentative schedule set for the upcoming NDCLC year. Those interested in subcommittees or to help plan specific events are strongly encouraged to attend.  


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